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Get onchain tiers

Required scopes:

  • partner.payment-quote.onchain.create
Request Body REQUIRED
btcAddress string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length

A valid Bitcoin address.

amount object REQUIRED

Amount to send.

amount string REQUIRED

Currency amount in decimal format

currency string REQUIRED

Possible values: [BTC, USD, EUR, USDT, GBP]

Currency code



id string

The ID of the tier. Used in the onchain payment quote creation.

estimatedDeliveryDurationInMin int32

Estimated delivery duration in minutes.

estimatedFee object

Estimated fee for the transaction.

amount string

Currency amount in decimal format

currency string

Possible values: [BTC, USD, EUR, USDT, GBP]

Currency code

minimumAmount object OPTIONAL

The minimum amount allowed to be sent with this tier

amount string

Currency amount in decimal format

currency string

Possible values: [BTC, USD, EUR, USDT, GBP]

Currency code