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Get receives for all receive requests

Required scopes:

Query Parameters
$skip int32

Skip the specified number of entries

$top int32

Get the top X number of records. Max value: 100

$receiveId uuid[]

Filter by receive ID(s).

$receiveRequestId uuid[]

Filter by receive request ID(s).

$onchainAddress string[]

Filter by onchain address(es).

$bolt11Invoice string[]

Filter by bolt 11 invoice(s)

$paymentHash string[]

Filter by bolt 11 invoice payment hash(es)



items object[]

The page items.

receiveId uuid

ID of the receive.

receiveRequestId uuid

ID of the parent receive request.

type string

Possible values: [LIGHTNING, ONCHAIN, P2P]

Type of the receive. Note that receive type might differ from the requested type, i.e. in case of Strike-to-Strike payments the type would be P2P.

state string

Possible values: [PENDING, COMPLETED]

State of the receive.

amountReceived object

Amount received. In case of LIGHTNING and ONCHAIN receives, this is always the Bitcoin amount.

amount string

Currency amount in decimal format

currency string

Possible values: [BTC, USD, EUR, USDT, GBP]

Currency code

amountCredited object OPTIONAL

Amount credited to the balance of the receive request's target currency. When the currency received is different from the target currency, the amount received is converted to the target currency at the current exchange rate. Will be present only for the completed receives.

amount string

Currency amount in decimal format

currency string

Possible values: [BTC, USD, EUR, USDT, GBP]

Currency code

conversionRate object OPTIONAL

Conversion rate applied to convert the received currency to the target currency.

amount string

Currency amount in decimal format

sourceCurrency string

Possible values: [BTC, USD, EUR, USDT, GBP]

Source currency code

targetCurrency string

Possible values: [BTC, USD, EUR, USDT, GBP]

Target currency code

created date-time

Time at which the receive was detected and created in the system.

completed date-time OPTIONAL

Time at which the receive was completed and credited to the balance.

onchain object OPTIONAL

Onchain data. Will be present only for onchain receives.

address string

Bitcoin address to which the onchain payment was made.

transactionId string

Transaction ID of the onchain payment.

blockHeight int64 OPTIONAL

The height of the block in which the transaction was included.

numberOfConfirmations int64 OPTIONAL

Number of confirmations of the transaction.

lightning object OPTIONAL

Onchain data. Will be present only for lighting receives.

invoice string

Lightning invoice.

preimage string

Payment preimage.

description string OPTIONAL

Description of the payment.

descriptionHash string OPTIONAL

Description hash of the payment.

paymentHash string

Payment hash of the payment.

p2p object OPTIONAL

P2P data. Will be present only for P2P receives.

payerAccountId uuid

ID of the account that made the payment.

count int64

Total number of records.