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Get deposit fee estimate

Required scopes:

  • partner.deposit.manage
Request Body REQUIRED
paymentMethodId uuid REQUIRED

Payment method to estimate the fee for.

amount string REQUIRED

Amount to estimate the fee for. Currency is defined by the payment method.

feePolicy string

Possible values: [INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE]

Should the fee be included in the amount or added on top of it. Defaults to EXCLUSIVE.



amount object

Amount to be deposited

amount string

Currency amount in decimal format

currency string

Possible values: [BTC, USD, EUR, USDT, GBP]

Currency code

fee object

Transaction fee to be paid

amount string

Currency amount in decimal format

currency string

Possible values: [BTC, USD, EUR, USDT, GBP]

Currency code

total object

Total amount to be charged on the payment method

amount string

Currency amount in decimal format

currency string

Possible values: [BTC, USD, EUR, USDT, GBP]

Currency code

feePercent string OPTIONAL

The fee percentage, if applicable

feeFixed string OPTIONAL

The fixed fee, if applicable

settlementPeriodInDay int32 OPTIONAL

Settlement period in days. After the said period, the funds become available to be spent or sent out of the system (see balance endpoint for more information). If null, the settlement is immediate