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Get bank payment methods

This endpoint is only available to select business accounts. Reach out to for more info.

Required scopes:


Query Parameters
$skip int32

Skip the specified number of entries

$top int32

Get the top X number of records. Max value: 100

$supportedAction string

Possible values: [DEPOSIT, WITHDRAWAL]

Filter by supported action



items object[]

The page items.

id uuid

Id of the payment method.

state string


The current state of the bank payment method.

supportedActions string[]

Possible values: [DEPOSIT, WITHDRAWAL]

The actions supported for the bank payment method.

created date-time

The date and time when the bank payment method was created.

transferType string

Possible values: [ACH, US_DOMESTIC_WIRE, SEPA]

The type of bank transfer which can be done with the payment method.

accountNumber string

Bank account's account number. For SEPA transfers, this is the IBAN.

routingNumber string

Bank account's routing number. For SEPA transfers, this is the BIC.

referenceCode string OPTIONAL

Reference code to identify the payment method. Can be set only for methods that support deposit. When set should be used as a reference when making a deposit.

accountType string OPTIONAL

Possible values: [CHECKING, SAVINGS]

The type of the bank account.

bankName string OPTIONAL

The name of the bank which holds the account.

bankAddress object OPTIONAL

The address of the bank which holds the account.

country string

ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country.

state string OPTIONAL

State code based on the country.

city string

The name of the city or town.

postCode string

The postal code or ZIP code for the address.

line1 string

The street address.

currency string

Possible values: [BTC, USD, EUR, USDT]

Bank account currency.

beneficiaries object[]

Bank account beneficiaries. Has at least one beneficiary.

dateOfBirth date OPTIONAL

Date of birth of the individual.

type string

Possible values: [INDIVIDUAL, COMPANY]

Type of the beneficiary.

name string

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 100

Name of the beneficiary.

address object OPTIONAL

Address of the beneficiary.

country string

ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country.

state string OPTIONAL

State code based on the country.

city string

The name of the city or town.

postCode string

The postal code or ZIP code for the address.

line1 string

The street address.

count int64

Total number of records.