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Create subscription

You can create at most 50 subscriptions

Required scopes:

  • partner.webhooks.manage

Request Body REQUIRED

New subscription request

webhookUrl string REQUIRED

Webhook HTTPS endpoint url.

webhookVersion string REQUIRED

Possible values: [v1]

Version that will be used when formatting the webhook payload.

secret string REQUIRED

Possible values: 10 ≤ length ≤ 50

Webhook secret that will be used for signing the request.

enabled boolean REQUIRED

Flag for enabling/disabling the subscription. If subscription is disabled the webhook won't be triggered for the respective event types.

eventTypes string[] REQUIRED

List of event types for the subscription. Each time that some event type from the list occurs, the webhook will be triggered.



id uuid

Id of the subscription in GUID format

webhookUrl string

Webhook HTTPS endpoint url.

webhookVersion string

Possible values: [v1]

Version that will be used when formatting the webhook payload.

enabled boolean

Flag for enabling/disabling the subscription. If subscription is disabled the webhook won't be triggered for the respective event types.

created date-time

Time at which subscription has been created.

eventTypes string[]

List of event types for the subscription. Each time that some event type from the list occurs, the webhook will be triggered.