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Example apps


The below list shows a variety of applications that use of the Strike API to enable payments through Bitcoin and Lightning. Payments delivered to Strike accounts can be configured to be received as either cash or bitcoin within the Strike app's settings.

The code for these apps are available in the linked Github repositories.

Receiving payments

Pay Me in BTC

Pay me in BTC allows you to deploy Bitcoin Lightning invoices as unique website URLs.

Simply enter a dollar amount to be invoiced, an expiration date, and details for presenting the invoice, and Pay Me in BTC will generate a unique URL where the Bitcoin Lightning invoice will be displayed. Any Bitcoin or Lightning-enabled wallet can pay the invoice, and the funds will be sent to your Strike account (receivable as cash or bitcoin).

You can find the code at

Directing payments


Splits lets you divide cash or bitcoin amounts evenly, then display those amounts as Bitcoin Lightning invoices that are payable to your Strike account.

For example, your $100 restaurant bill can be split between your 5 friends. You simply enter your Strike username, set the amount to be split between your number of friends, and Splits will create the corresponding invoices. When each invoice is scanned by any Lightning-enabled wallet, the payment will be delivered to your Strike account (receivable as cash or bitcoin).

A deployed version of the app is available online at and the code at


PlebPay allows you to create paywalls for URLs.

You simply specify a paywall amount, a paywall title, and a destination URL. PlebPay will generate a unique paywall URL, which will prompt visitors to pay a Bitcoin Lightning invoice in order to proceed to your destination URL. Paywall payments will be sent directly to your Strike account (receivable as cash or bitcoin).

You can find the deployed version at and the code at


Rankster lets you create online polls with paywalls.

You simply create a poll and set a paywall amount. To cast a vote in the poll, participants must pay a Bitcoin Lightning invoice with any Lightning-enabled wallet. The payment will be sent directly to your Strike account (receivable as cash or bitcoin).

You can find a live demo at and the code at

Reacher allows you to create a paywall for your email address.

By signing up and setting a paywall amount, you can publicly share your email address. When someone sends a message to your email address, they will receive a reply containing a Bitcoin Lightning invoice. Once they have paid that invoice, their message will be forwarded to your real email address and their payment will be delivered to your Strike account (receivable as cash or bitcoin).

Find the website running at and the code at


Plebshop allows Strike users to quickly create their own in-person checkout solution and receive payments to their Strike account.

Simply connect your Strike account, name your store, and start adding products to your store by listing product names, prices, and images. When a customer is ready to checkout, simply add the products they're buying to your store's shopping cart and select “Checkout”. A Bitcoin Lightning invoice will be generated for the total purchase amount, payable directly to your Strike account (receivable as cash or bitcoin).

Try it out at and the code at

Sending payments

Strike.Army lets you passively send and receive cash payments from your Strike account. uses OAuth permissions to make payments on your behalf. Once authorized, you can set parameters for Strike.Army to send payments from your Strike cash balance. These parameters include amount, frequency, and reusability limits, so that payments are only sent in a manner that you have approved. Once the parameters are set, Strike.Army generates a shareable Bitcoin Lightning QR code, which once scanned by any Lightning-enabled wallet will send dollars from your Strike cash balance and deliver as bitcoin to the scanner’s wallet.

Additionally, Strike.Army lets you view your Strike cash balance in-app and receive dollar payments through Bitcoin lightning QR codes.

The app has been discontinued, but the code repository is available at


Strike Oauth

Strike Oauth is a simple proof of concept that demonstrates how to integrate Strike Oauth Connect.

You can find a live demo at and the code at