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Limits on API requests

In order to provide fast response times to all our customers, we may limit excessive requests made to the Strike API. The limits are specific to the type of operation and allow for a certain number of requests to be made within a given time period.

The following API request limits are in effect and subject to change:

Invoice creation/v1/invoices/250 requests / 1 minute1 minute
Invoice quote generation/v1/invoices/:invoiceId/quote250 requests / 1 minute1 minute
BTC price rates/v1/rates/250 requests / 1 minute1 minute
Payment quote creation/v1/payment-quotes/:type250 requests / 1 minute1 minute
Payment quote execution/v1/payment-quotes/:quoteId/execute250 requests / 1 minute1 minute
All othersAll others1,000 requests / 10 minutes1 hour

Sandbox API rates

Invoice creation/v1/invoices/90 requests / 1 minute1 minute
Invoice quote generation/v1/invoices/:invoiceId/quote90 requests / 1 minute1 minute
BTC price rates/v1/rates/90 requests / 1 minute1 minute
Payment quote creation/v1/payment-quotes/:type90 requests / 1 minute1 minute
Payment quote execution/v1/payment-quotes/:quoteId/execute90 requests / 1 minute1 minute
All othersAll others350 requests / 10 minutes1 hour

Once an individual IP address exceeds a request limit, that IP address will enter the timeout period. During timeout, the Strike API will return an HTTP 429 “Too Many Requests” response. Included in the 429 response will be a retry-after header to indicate when the timeout period will end and regular API responses are expected to resume.

If your application will likely exceed the above limits, please contact to discuss potential solutions.